Mapping a New Course

Samuel: what’s your job situation?
Malcolm: Remember that private investigator license I got last year? Well, I’m going to develop that business and find part time work until it becomes profitable.

Samuel: that PI work was a pipe dream…aim for a job with benefits and a retirement plan.
Malcolm: yeah, like that worked out real well for me in my last job dad.

Janet: i saw a job for a CEO advertised in the paper…$500,000 a year…you should apply for it. I’m sure they would hire you.
Malcolm: maybe in some alternate reality mom.

Samuel: your mother lives in a world of magical realism … it’s part of her Latin American heritage.

A Day in the Life Archives

Follow Malcolm Twyman’s weekly activities as he enters the private investigator business and embarks on new adventures while learning about himself, humanity and life in the process.