The Job Interview

The Job Interview

← The Long Hair Interviewer: “how might someone close to you describe you in three words or less?” Malcolm: “hmm, recently, my family came up with ‘Game of Power’ names for each of us…my dad was given the name ‘The Dream Slayer’ and mine was ‘The Bridge...
The Long Hair

The Long Hair

← More Wine Please The Job Interview → Samuel: was that…a job lead? Malcolm: actually, yes…I just scheduled an interview for next week….for a part-time consultant job. Samuel: you should get a suit, a haircut, shave and polish your shoes....
More Wine Please

More Wine Please

← Life in the Dungeon The Long Hair → Samuel: “Malcolm, what’s new in your world?” Malcolm: “Not much…job search, and dating.” Samuel: “Are you seeing a coyote?” Malcolm: “No, and I think you mean a...
Life in the Dungeon

Life in the Dungeon

← Mapping a New Course More Wine Please → I’ve been living in the basement of my parent’s place, which I affectionately call the dungeon, for over a year now to cut my expenses. And it’s been nearly two months since I lost my job.I’ve...
Mapping a New Course

Mapping a New Course

← An Unreasonable Woman Life in the Dungeon → Samuel: what’s your job situation?Malcolm: Remember that private investigator license I got last year? Well, I’m going to develop that business and find part time work until it becomes profitable. Samuel: that PI...