The Long Hair

The Long Hair

← More Wine Please The Job Interview → Samuel: was that…a job lead? Malcolm: actually, yes…I just scheduled an interview for next week….for a part-time consultant job. Samuel: you should get a suit, a haircut, shave and polish your shoes....
More Wine Please

More Wine Please

← Life in the Dungeon The Long Hair → Samuel: “Malcolm, what’s new in your world?” Malcolm: “Not much…job search, and dating.” Samuel: “Are you seeing a coyote?” Malcolm: “No, and I think you mean a...
Life in the Dungeon

Life in the Dungeon

← Mapping a New Course More Wine Please → I’ve been living in the basement of my parent’s place, which I affectionately call the dungeon, for over a year now to cut my expenses. And it’s been nearly two months since I lost my job.I’ve...